April 25, 2010

Link love 連結分享

Thinking about traveling to somewhere romantic like Italy

Or the seaside town St Tropez in France
或者去法國的海邊小鎮 St Tropez

Where we can drink French lavender lemonade

And eat the cutest pies baked from a market stall in Broadway Market, England
配 上從英國Broadway Market的小攤子買的可愛水果派

Watch 250,000 bouncy balls fly down hills in San Francisco (watch behind the scenes here)
看 250,000個跳跳球從舊金山的山坡跳下來(按第二個連結看幕後製作)

Hop over to Japan for the Gaspard et Lisa & Penelope exhibition
跳過去日本參觀 Gaspard et Lisa & Penelope 的展覽

Or it's amusing enough just watching New Yorkers dress up for Easter!

p.s. Bonus:
J. Crew's May catalog and behind the scenes travel journal on an tropical island makes me want to go on vacation right now!
J. Crew 在一個熱帶小島上拍攝的五月目錄和幕後製作日記讓我想要馬上去渡假!


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  2. Thank you so much~ I will try to make it better.


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